Thursday, February 12, 2009


A bright star was faraway

Smiling above in dark sky

One day I dreamed of catching it

And when I was about to touch it

I found it nothing but stardust

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not anyone

One day a friend who had thought that I am married asked"why
someone who is like you is not married, don't men in your place want girls like you?"

The problem my friend is not what they want, it is what I want coz briefly...

I don't want anyone

I want abdan lil Rahman

who companions me in the way of jenan

who is strong but full of hanan

who is pure and smiley kaman

is there any such a man?

there is one man who lives in other galaxy

who doesn't own a spaceship but, is waiting for a spacetaxi :)
abdan lil Rahman: a slave of god the (Most) Gracious, jenan=paradises, hanan=tenderness, kaman=too